Traffic Tip #1 - Get 3 Backlinks from High PR Websites
Author: Suzanne Morrison
Summary: Getting good backlinks to your website will help to increase search engine rank of your website. There are lots of well-known ways to get backlinks, including article marketing, directory submission and link exchange, but this task focuses on getting backlinks from websites that have a high page rank.
Benefit – If you complete the following steps you will have 3 brand new backlinks to your site from high page rank websites.

15 Ways to Get FREE Website Traffic in 1 Hour

Step by Step Instructions
1) Get a Backlink from (PR8)
•          Register with – to do this just enter your email address (no password) and            your login info will be emailed to you.
•          Click the link in the email to activate your account
•          Click the profile link and type in a few sentences about yourself, including a link or            two to your website and/or blog. You will need to use HTML here e.g. the HTML for            my own website would be:
•          <a href=””>Home Business Ideas</a>
•          Save your profile and make sure that your links are working
•          OPTIONAL – you can also add friends and make posts to get more exposure.
2) Get a Backlink from (PR6) and
Go to and click the signup link at the top of the page.
·        Fill in the form to join (you probably want to uncheck the newsletter box)
·        Click on your name at the top of the page
·        Click “Edit Profile”
·        Enter your website URL in the website box
·        Click the “Save Changes” button
·        Click the “public profile” link and you’ll see that your link is now live on this new page

3) Get a backlink from (PR4).
·        Join IM Report Card if you are not already a member. The site is free to join.
·        Click on the Profile link (top right hand corner)
·        Scroll down to the section called “Your Signature”
·        Add a signature and include your website URL by typing in your keywords, highlighting them and clicking on the link icon. Here is my signature:
·        In the screenshot above the top arrow points to the icon you can use to add your link.

Additional Information
If you are not sure what is meant by page rank read what Google Page Rank is?
In most of these examples your profile will be created on a new page which will have a page rank of zero, BUT, because these sites are very popular and have high page ranks, over time your link on that page will be a very high quality backlink.

Traffic Tip #2 – Use Twitter to Get More Traffic
Author: Cynthia Minnaar
               Summary: In this task you will Set up a Twitter account if you don’t already have one,                make two updates (Tweets) – one to announce you have just joined Twitter and                another to announce your latest blog post, find 10 people to follow and add your Twitter login details to your EzineArticles account (if you have one).
Benefit – Twitter is a very quick and easy way to make new friends, brand yourself and to drive more traffic to your blog or website.

Step by Step Instructions

1) Join Twitter if you are not already a member.
·        Visit and fill in the short form to create an account.
·        Login to your Twitter account and click on the “Settings” link in the top right hand corner of your screen.

Click on the “Account” tab
- Add your full blog or website address (including http://) into the “More Info URL:” .
- Add your url again (without the http:// and put a comma at the end of the url e.g.,) into the “One Line Bio:” which will give you a backlink.
- Do not tick the “Protect my Updates” box as you want your updates to be made public.
- Click Save.
Click on the “Notices” tab
- Select your options.
- Click Save.
Click on the “Picture” tab
- Upload your photo by using the browse button to locate your photo on your hard drive. A window will open, locate your “My Pictures” folder and once you have located your photo just double click on it.
- Click Save.
Click on the “Design” tab
- Choose a theme for your Twitter page.
- Click Save.
2) You have now set up your account and are ready to make your first TWEET!
 Ideally you should make a Tweet daily and Twitter allows you to do this in under 140 characters
·        Click on the Home link at the top of the page.
·        In the blank box under “What’s Happening?” type (in under 140 characters) a general message to announce you have just joined Twitter and click “Update”.
·        Congratulations, you have just made your first Tweet.
3) Find People to follow
To get people to follow you on Twitter you need to find people. You can use the search function under the “Who to Follow” tab and search for keywords related to your niche.
When you receive email notifications that you have a new follower you can just click on the link in the email and the follower’s Twitter web page will open, login to your Twitter account using the Login link at the top and click on “Follow” under the photo. Or you can just login through your own Twitter page and click on “Followers” and click on the “Follow” link under the photo.
4) Add Your Twitter Details to Your EzineArticles Profile
If you have an EzineArticles account, login and go to your Profile and fill in your Twitter
Username and Password and every time a new article of yours is approved they will automatically Tweet it for you.
5) Tweet A Blog Post
If you are going to post a link to your latest blog post or website you will remember that you are limited to 140 characters for your whole post.
Now decide on a Blog post that you would like to Tweet. Click on the “Home” link in your Twitter account and under “What Are You Doing?” type in the title of your blog post and paste the url to the blog post. Don’t be surprised when you see a very strange url – that is because Twitter automatically uses a website called to create a short url. Click on the link and you will see that it goes to your blog.
If you don’t have a blog yet, say a sentence or two about your website and include your  website URL instead.
Congratulations, you have just made your second Tweet telling everyone about your new blog post with a link to it.

Additional Information:
 Bear in mind you only have 140 characters to make your post, so if you have a very long blog url you can always generate a short url first through and then paste the url generated for you into your post, which will leave you more space for you to add your title or whatever message you want to add.
That’s the very basics of Twitter – a quick and easy way to brand yourself and drive traffic to your blog.

Traffic Tip #3 – Write a Product Review
Author: Ken Troyer
Summary: Write a review of a product that you personally use (something that you can also promote as an affiliate and earn a commission) from places like ClickBank, PayDotCom, or something that you have personally used and feel positive about.

Benefit – People often buy products based upon honest reviews…rather than a normal sales pitch, or recommendation. People who are looking for reviews are “buyers”…they have ALREADY decided to buy the product, but they just need to be reassured that they are making the right choice.

Step by Step Instructions
1) Chose a product, service or membership that you personally use and LOVE…and go find their affiliate program. If you can’t find the affiliate program of your product, email the owner of the product and ask them…they will be happy to help you with this.
2) Locate your referral URL, or your affiliate link.
3) Write your review of the product. - Okay…now it’s important to know how to write a review that is helpful to people. You are NOT trying to sell the product; you are actually intercepting a sale DECISION in progress and giving them what they want - proof & justification.
So your job is to simply make a "FACT SHEET" for this product and share your experience. Be sure to include the following:
·        The product name
·        The person associated with the product (author, developer, etc)
·        The merchant's official domain name
·        The brand/company name
·        The version history (especially with software)
·        How long have you been using this tool or service?
·        Why is This Product a Good Choice… tell them how it helped you.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the products
Don't just stuff keywords, but make sure to naturally include as much detail as you can because it will give the search engines something to serve up to people researching that exact product.
Once you have written your review you can easily post it on your blog. If you don’t have a blog yet you can get one built for free if you join the Affiliate Power Group.

Be sure to include the product name and that this is a review in your blog title and two or three times throughout your blog post. E.g. “Review of Product XYZ” as many people will search for reviews of specific products on Google and this will help your review to get ranked in the search engines.
And remember, when soon-to-be buyers are researching a product, they're usually on the verge of BUYING something. What they're looking for is a mixture of proof and justification. They want their money to go to good use, but they also want to help themselves internally justify the purchase.
Your job is to just intercept them…and help them make the final decision.
That’s it!
Now go do it!

 Traffic Tip #4 – Create a Keyword List
Author: Jeff Schuman
Summary: Put together a list of keyword phrases to use for article marketing, blogging, and building web pages for your website.
Benefit – Helps you organize your business by targeting new phrases all of the time. Search engines will pick you up and rank your pages and give you tons of free traffic over time.

Step by Step Instructions:
1. Go here. We will use the free keyword research tool from Google
2. Go to the middle of the page and type in your primary keyword where it says: Enter One
Keyword or Phrase per Line: This would be your primary keyword for your site which is something like home business, work at home, earn money etc. In this example I will use the words work at home.
3. Type in the characters for your primary keyword in the box, choose “All Countries and Territories” and click on Get Keyword Ideas. Be patient as it can take a few seconds to give you the results.
4. You will get results of 50, 100, 200 words etc. For work at home it delivered 150 results.
·        Select “Exact Match” and uncheck “Broad Match” from the check boxes on the left. To see how often a keyword is being searched every month on Google I look at the Approx. Avg.
·        Search Volume which is based on 12 months of people searching for this phrase on Google for your country and language.
5. Scroll down and look for the words text, csv for excel, csv. Click on the text link.
6. Save this list as a word document, or in notepad etc. Call it "work at home keywords deleted". I call it that because as I use a phrase I delete it until all of the words have been used in an article, blog post, web page etc.
7. Look at the additional keyword phrases Google gives you. Save this list as well and use them as secondary keywords in the body of your articles, blog posts and web pages. This will help prevent you from spamming your primary keyword over and over in the body of what you write.
8. Start working thru your list. Use a different phrase in each article, in each blog post, and for building a web page. Try and only use the keyword phrases in the title, intro and closing of each article to avoid spamming it. Do not worry about keyword density as Google pays no attention to it anymore.
 Over time you will develop great unique content and keyword relevancy for your site and blog that the search engines will reward you for.

More Information
Type in a 4 word phrase. Build a list of phrases 4 words or more. These are known as long tail keyword phrases and usually have less competition than a short phrase like work at home.
Does this work? I am on page one of Google for over 3000 unique keyword phrases now and have been found by people typing in phrases as long as 11 words. Google search "easy ways to make money at home and do it fast" without the quotation marks.
I am #1. These longer phrases are low volume searches, but are very targeted and have less competition than shorter phrases.

Traffic Tip #5 – Publish a Blog Post
Author: Suzanne Morrison
Summary: In this task you will make a post on your blog using a keyword that you have chosen from traffic tip #4, social bookmark your post and “tweet” it.
Benefit – regular blogging helps to increase the number of visitors to your website. You are creating fresh unique content for your website and if you optimize your blog post you have a good chance of getting traffic from the search engines.

Step by Step Instructions
1) Take a look at the keyword list that you created in traffic tip 4 and see if you can find a    keyword phrase that has a few hundred searches per month. Typically a phrase like this will    be less competitive and it will be easier to get your blog post ranked in the search engines if    you choose a low competition phrase.
2) You can either write an article yourself and include your keywords in the title and 2-3 times    throughout the article, or find a good PLR article. If you are using a PLR article it is beneficial    to rewrite it by:
       a. Changing the title (be sure to include your keyword phrase in the title)
       b. Writing your own introductory paragraph
       c. Deleting one of the paragraphs
       d. Rewriting the final paragraph or add a new one
       e. Rewriting a few of the sentences throughout the article
       f. Adding your keyword phrase twice throughout the article
3) Once you have rewritten your article create a new post on your blog using this article and    publish your post.
4) If you have a Wordpress blog, Wordpress will automatically ping all the relevant services. If    you have a blogger blog, go to pingomatic and enter your blog URL to ping all the blog    services.
5) Go to Twitter and write a sentence or two about your blog post and include the direct URL    (permalink) of your post. You will find that often you get more interest in Twitter if you post   a question related to the subject of your blog post e.g. “Does anyone think it is possible to    succeed in online business when you have no money?”
6) Social Bookmark your post. If you have an account with OnlyWire you should also bookmark    your post. If you don’t have an account, don’t worry – we will include this as a task in    another traffic tip.
 Doing this one time should bring you a small benefit, but if you can do this regularly – at least once per week, but if possible 3-4 times a week you will notice a difference in your traffic.

Traffic Tip #6 – Submit an Article to 5 of the Top Article Directories

Author: Cynthia Minnaar
Summary: Submit one of your existing articles or a new article to at least 5 popular high PR article directories.
Benefit – You will get a backlink from your author resource box for each article directory that you submit to. People may also read your articles in the article directories and visit your site.

Step by Step Instructions:
(1)Register with the following article directories
If you don’t have an account with the these Article Directories, then your first step is to sign up for a free Author’s Account. Do this for at least 5 of the directories.
NOTE: SubmitYourArticle (SYA) users - The article directories listed below that are marked with an * are those directories listed under the SYA Account Manager / Article Directories option. So if you selected this option and provided SYA with your login details for each article directory then do NOT submit your article again to the directories marked with an *. You will then need to submit your article to the other directories below that are not marked with an *.
Ezine Articles * - click on the “Submit Articles” link and complete the registration form.
GoArticles * - on “Submit Articles” then click on the “New Member” button and complete the form.
Article Alley * - click the red button marked “Submit Articles” and complete the registration form.
Article City - no registration is required. Just scroll down to the Site Menu at the bottom of the left hand column and click on “Submit an Article”. There is no option to edit your article after you have submitted it so be sure to check it carefully before submitting.
Internet Marketing News Watch - no registration is required. Scroll down to the bottom of the left hand column and click on “Submit New Content”. There is no option to edit your article after you have submitted it so be sure to check it carefully before submitting. There is no specific area to insert your resource box so once you have pasted your article just add your TEXT resource box at the end under a subheading "About the Author".
·        ArticlesBase * - click on the blue “Submit Articles” button and register as a new author.
·        Articles Factory * - click on the “Register” tab on the top horizontal bar and complete the registration form.
·        SearchWarp * - click on the “Sign Up” text link in the top right hand corner of your screen and complete the New Author Registration Form
·        Easy Articles - click on the “Join” link and complete the registration form.
(2) Submit Your Article
Submit one of your existing articles or a brand new article to at least five of the above article directories. If there are any directories on the list that you have never submitted an article to before, give them preference.
Login to each Directory and click on “Submit Articles” or “Add New Article” (or similar wording).
Select the most appropriate category for your article and then complete each section of the form, taking note of the number of characters allowed for certain sections. Pay particular attention to your html Resource Box and ensure that you have hyperlinked your keywords to your website address.
Then click on the “Preview” button to check your article is looking fine, check the links in your resource box and if everything is okay close the "Preview window" then click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form where you added your article.
If, however, you notice errors when viewing your article in the "Preview" window, just close the "Preview" window and make your changes and click the “Preview” button again to double check everything and then click the "Submit" button once you are satisfied that everything is fine.
You will find that you have the option to further edit your article, if necessary, by clicking on the “View My Articles” or “Edit Articles” link and in some of the directories you will be able to check your stats under the article “Article Stats” link.

Traffic Tip #7 – Join & Participate in some Busy Forums
Author: Suzanne Morrison
Summary: Join 3 high traffic forums that you are not currently a member of. Register with the forums, add your profile information and signature and make 2 posts in each.
Benefit – You will get a backlink from profile and signature links in the forum which will help to increase your search engine rank. You also have the chance to expose your website to other  people who have not seen it before

Step by Step Instructions
(1) Register with at least 3 forums from the list below. All of these have over 10,000 members:
·        Digital Point Forum (500,000+ members – register)
·        Warrior Forum (400,000+ members - register)
·        WAHM Forum (76,000+ members – register)
·        Affiliate Marketing Forum (68,000+ members – register)
·        Associate Progams (25,000+ members – register)
·        Talk Home Business (57,000+ members – register)
·        More Suggestions -
(2) You can register with each of the 3 forums by clicking on the register links above and filling     in the required details.
(3) Often you will need to wait for a confirmation email and click on the link inside the email to     verify your registration.
(4) Once you have registered successfully look for a link that says “edit profile” or “profile” or     something similar. Most forums allow you to set up a profile with more details about     yourself, a photo, your website and so on.
(5) At the minimum you should add your name, your website if there is a space for it and a     sentence or two about yourself.
(6) Have a look around the forum to see if there are any forum rules. For example most forums     do not allow you to advertise in posts and some may not allow affiliate links in your     signature. Some may have a limit to how many lines you are allowed in your signature.
(7) Go back to your profile and add your website and/or blog to your signature, making sure     that you follow the rules that you have just read. Some forums allow HTML in the signature     where as others allow something called BBCode.
 Example of adding an HTML LINK:
<a href=””>Internet Business Ideas</a>
Example of the same link in BB CODE:
[url=]Internet Business Ideas[/url]
(8) Make two posts in each of the three forums that you have registered with. Ensure that you     don’t spam or make a pointless post like “me too” or “great info”. Often forums have an     “introduce yourself” forum so this is a good place to start. Alternatively you can ask a     question or answer someone’s question.

Traffic Tip #8 – Submit your Blog to 5 Top Blog Directories
Author: Ken Troyer
Summary: Submit your blog link to 5 top blog directories.
Benefit: Yet another way to get free targeted traffic. These directories are popular, and will increase your traffic and ranking power.

Step by Step Instructions:
1) Go through the list below and submit your blog to each directory. The submission process is very self-explanatory. Be sure to write a meaningful description of your just never know who might read it.
·        Blog Catalog
·        Bloglisting
·        Blogflux
·        Blogarama
2) Now go check your email. You will probably be required to click a confirmation link to verify that the email your submitted was truly your email...confirm this, and anything else that they require in order to have your blog listed.
3) Your done! You've just paved 5 new roads to your "city"...every new road you build means that people can find you easier, and your traffic will begin to increase. It's your job to keep your "city" looking attractive so that when people arrive...they will want to stop and buy something.
Additional Information:
If you don’t have a blog yet you can get one for free when you join the Affiliate Power Group.

Traffic Tip #9 – Promote Your Website Using Free Classified Ads
Author: Suzanne Morrison
 Summary: Classified ads are a great way to get more exposure for your website.                Classified advertising is free, so it is an ideal method for you to use if you are just                starting out and your budget is tight. Some online classified ad sites have an upgrade option, which will provide you with more benefits, but it is not necessary to upgrade to be successful with this type of advertising.
Benefit – Free Targeted visitors to your website.
Step by Step Instructions:

(1) Decide what it is that you want to advertise. It is often much better to advertise a lead     capture page or a short sales page rather than your home page. Make sure that the page     you are advertising is attention grabbing and asks for the visitors name and email address.
(2) Write a short ad. Spend some time trying to think of a compelling headline and ad. If you are     new to writing ads it may seem difficult at first. Have a look at some other ads to get ideas     and try to use attention grabbing words. Don’t worry if your first few ads aren’t great – you     will improve over time and you can tweak your ads and make note of the ads that get the     best results.
(3) Find some suitable classified ad sites to post your ad on. Here are some classified ad sites:
·        Craig’s List
·        US Free Ads
·        Kijiji
·        Business Opportunity Classifieds
·        Oodle
(4) Find the correct category for your ad. This is important as your ad could be deleted if you     post it in the wrong place. Also make sure that what you are advertising is permitted on that     particular website.
(5) Post your ad. Be sure that you use a tracking link so that you can determine the     effectiveness of each classified sites and you can see which of your ads performs the best.

Traffic Tip #10– Leave Comments on 5 Different Blogs
Author: Jeff Casmer
Summary: Visit at least 5 blogs and leave a comment.
                Benefit: Commenting on blogs is a great way to not only brand yourself and your business, but a fantastic way to get a free backlink in targeting your specific keywords.

Step by Step Instructions:
1) Find a list of "do follow" blogs by doing a search in Google. “Do Follow” means that when you leave a link to your website in your comment it will not have the “nofollow” attribute. This means that Google and other search engines will see this as a valid backlink to your website. You can type into Google any of these search terms to get a list.
·        "do follow" blogs
·        do follow blogs
·        blogs that follow
2) Once you have found a good list pick out one blog (We recommend that you aim towards picking blogs that have something to do with the particular niche your involved in).
3) Read a couple of entries and pick out one that interests you where you can respond with a comment that has some real "meat" to it. What I mean by "meat" is some substance. Making a comment on a blog that says "Great idea! Thanks for sharing" is NOT a good comment and will often not get approved which means you have wasted your time. Give the blog post you’re commenting on some real feedback on what you think.

Here is an example
Now this post is fine except I made a mistake by misspelling a word which is not something you should do. Always take the time to review your comments before hitting the submit button.
4) Anchor text one of your keywords. Most blogs will allow you to anchor text your keyword. Always do this when you can. You can target a main keyword of your site or a longer tail keyword. I usually mix it up and provide different long tail keywords for each post. I never use the same keyword in each blog post as the search engines don’t like this. Mix it up with longer tail keywords that relate to your main keywords.
For example one my main keywords is: “Work at Home”
If I post to 5 blogs today I will only use 1 of them that target "work at home". I will take the other 4 and target:
·        Work at home on the internet
·        Working from home online
·        Computer work at home
·        Earn Money working at homeMake sure you post to 5 "do follow" blogs.
Here are just a few:

Traffic Tip #11 – Market Yourself on IMFaceplate
Author: Suzanne Morrison
Summary: In this tip you’ll open an account with IMFacePlate if you don’t already have one. Once in there you will setup your profile, follow 10 people, post an article and leave a comment on someone else’s article.
Benefit – : IM Faceplate is a social networking site, a little bit like Facebook but designed for internet marketers. Doing this challenge will give you backlinks, exposure and allow you to connect with other internet marketers.

Step by Step Instructions:
1) Sign up to IM Face Plate (this is free). If you wish you can use my signup link here:
2) Click the my faceplate tab then click edit.
3) Select “Custom Lists” and add a title such as “My Websites” or “My Favorite Sites”
In item 1, put the keywords for your website in the title and the URL of your website in the link field. You can also add other websites to the list if you wish. Once you are done, hit the save button.
4) If you wish you can also add your photo (click on Picture), your Twitter feed (by clicking on    social Widgets) and an rss feed from your blog (click on RSS).
 5) Next, click on the Article link and add the article that you wrote in week 1. IM Faceplate    allows you to add links within your article body, so instead of including your author resource    box, add your article and include a link to your website in the body of the article with your    keywords in the anchor text. In the example below you can see part of an article that I added    to my Faceplate account. I highlighted the words search engine optimization and clicked on    the link button then added the URL of my SEO website.
6) Finally have a look at some other people’s Faceplates and follow 10 people that you find    interesting. Most people will follow you back and this will get your Faceplate some exposure    and allow you to make contacts. To find Faceplates click on the Community tab then click on    Faceplates.
7) To follow someone just click the follow button beside their  Faceplate as shown in the screen shot to the right

Traffic Tip #12 – Submit Your Newsletter to 2 Ezine Directories
Author: Cynthia Minnaar
Summary: Submit your Ezine (Newsletter) to the following 2 Ezine Directories:
Benefit – Attracting new subscribers as well as advertisers to your Newsletter
Step by Step Instructions
(1) Submit to Best
Best Ezines is owned by EzineArticles so there are 2 ways to submit your Ezine to thisdirectory.
If you have an EzineArticles account, simply login and under Author’s Tools click on " Submission" and complete the short form. The ezine subscription information is your getresponse emails address for your Newsletter for example my Newsletter subscription address is:
If you don’t have an EzineArticles account go directly to then click on "Submit an Ezine" and complete the form.
(2) Submit to
No registration is required – simply follow Steps 1 – 8 and submit your Ezine details.

Additional Information
If you have time visit where you will find a list of the Top 20 Ezine Directories and try and incorporate 1 Ezine submission a day into your daily schedule. You can find more Ezine Directories by searching on Google with this search phrase "List of ezine directories".

Traffic Tip #13 – Get Some Backlinks from the Free Traffic System
Author: Suzanne Morrison
Summary: Get multiple backlinks by submitting a blog post to lots of blogs at thesame time.
Benefit – You’ll receive a backlink from up to 50 different blogs.

Step by Step Instructions:
The Free Traffic system has been around for a few years now and has recently had a revamp. It allows you to submit a blog post containing two of your website links to up to 50 different blogs at the same time. It also provides an easy way to leave comments on high PR blogs.
1) Join Free Traffic System (FTS) for free.
2) Read the PDF that explains how FTS works
3) Login and click on “Add Article”
4) Follow the instructions in the PDF above to add your article to the system. You should    include two links to your website (use a different page on your website for each link) and for    best results you should spin your article. You can use a PLR article here.
5) Once you’ve entered the article and links, just choose the blogs that you want to submit    your article to and click on the submit button.

Traffic Tip #14 – Participate in Yahoo Answers & get Exposure for your Website
Author: Suzanne Morrison
Summary: Answer two questions on Yahoo Answers.
                Benefit – You can leave a link to your website when you answer a question. You won’t get a backlink for this but if your answer is a good, well thought out answer there is a chance that people will read your answer and visit your website. Yahoo Answers often pops up in the search engine results so there is a chance that people will find your answer again and again for months or years to come.

Step by Step Instructions:
(1) Visit and login. If you are not a member click the signup link at     the top of the page to create a new account.
(2) Fill in some details in your profile. You can include one or more links to your website or blog.
    You will not get a backlink for this as it is “nofollow” but people may read your answers, visit     your profile and then visit your website.
(3) Next you are going to try and find some questions to answer. You should try and find a     question that is related to the topic of your website or blog. Go to the Yahoo Answers Home     Page and then navigate to the “Business & Finance” section. You may find good questions     related to home business inside the “small business” or the “advertising and marketing”     section.
(4) When you answer a question try to backup your answer with an example, a reference, or     your own personal experience. You can put a link to your website in the box that says     “sources”.
(5) Find relevant questions and aim to do the following:
          a. Answer 2 questions, leaving a link to a page on your own website as a source
          b. Vote for the best answer on 2 questions that are undecided

Traffic Tip #15 – Take Advantage of Article Directory Online Profiles
Author: Cynthia Minnaar
Summary: Choose 4 article directories from the list below and set up your profile toensure that it contains information about yourself and a link to your website.
Benefit – You will not only gain a backlink to your site but those who visit the article directories and read your articles are often interested to learn more about you, and this they can do by visiting your profile. They can easily gain access to your website this way too.

Step by Step Instructions:
Select 4 of the article directories from the list below that you have not yet completed your profile and add some information about yourself and include a link back to your website with your keywords using html code where allowed. In each case view your Profile to check that it looks ok andthat the links work.
OR complete your profile at 4 other article directories that you regularly submit articles to.
Example of adding an HTML link: <a href=””>Online Business Ideas</a> 
·        Ezine Articles - Login and click on “Profile Manager” / “Edit Author Bio”. Complete the form and bear in mind you cannot use html in this bio section.
·        GoArticles - Click on Submit Articles and login and it takes you straight to Your Profile section. You can add html in the Author Bio section 
·        ArticlesBase - Login and click on “Manage Authors”. You will see you have the option to complete both a short and a long Bio. You can include html in both of them.
·        Articles Factory - Login and click on “Profile”. Insert your main keyword phrase as the “Title” for your website. Note that the Brief Bio does not allow the use of html.
·        SearchWarp - Login and click on “Edit Your Bio”. Be sure to read the instructions. You are allowed 2 html links in your Bio. Highlight your keywords and click on the chain icon to add your url.
·        Idea Marketers – Login and click on “Edit” under “Update your Profile/Resource Box”. Complete the form and you can add html to your Author’s Bio. Under “Manage Account” click on “View Profile”.

Reference: A pdf guide for 30 Ways to Get FREE Website Traffic in 30 Minutes 


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