SEO for Established Sites
Find target keyword niches for established sites
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SEO for Professional |
Either way your site will need to be set up for a Google Analytics account. (Although you can adapt
the methods given here to other site visitor analytics software.)
Manual SEO with Google Analytics
Below is a keywords report from
Google Analytics (GA).
GA keyword report above gives you keyword data for single (aka exact match)
example business strategy brought 1,340 visits in the report shown on the
previous page. That’s nice but as we explored earlier there is a problem with
it …
Single keywords rarely bring enough visits or business.
example, if your site were to get 1,340 visits a month, these might convert
into sales enquiries at a rate of 3-4%. That’s about 40 enquiries a month. You
might convert 10% into sales. Which means you’re getting three or four sales a
month from this keyword. Which is nice, but it’s not enough for most websites
to get excited about.
you want to be working at a bigger scale. To work at the scale required to make
an interesting profit, we need to target (and see data for) groups of keywords
(keyword niches).
You can see reports for one
keyword niche at a time in Google Analytics by using the keyword filter at the
bottom of the keywords report. This has been done in the GA report below:
how all the keywords shown (689 of them) contain the keyword business
strategy. This is our example site’s results for the business strategy keyword
one keyword niche we can see results for all the metrics Google Analytics has
been configured to report, including Visits, Pages/Visit, Average Time on Site,
Bounce Rate and if we clicked on the Goal Set 1 tab (in the image on the
previous page) we would see response rates for different Goals.
now all you have to do is find the different response rates for each of your
keyword niches. Then sort them to find which ones give the best results.
The keyword niches that give the best results should be your
targets for more SEO work.
sounds easy enough to find them but there is a problem …
our not-hugely-popular example site got 81,245 visits from searches with 36,308
different keywords in the last month (there’s that long tail again).
average response rates for each of your site’s keywords is going to take a long
time. A very long time.
it gets worse. All that work will give a static view of one time period. We’ll
see no trends over time unless I do it all again and again, and build graphs
from the data.
is clearly impossible to do this manually. Your only chance of using this
method by hand is to go digging with your intuition – choosing a small number
of keywords to build niche reports for.
looking for those magical keyword niches that give your site the most response.
like digging for gold.
Once you’ve found some potential
keyword niches, you can find more information about them to help you prioritize
them and plan your SEO campaigns.
each keyword you can manually get:
Estimates of search numbers from Wordtracker’s Keywords tool
Google rank reports that give your website’s position on Google’s results
your chosen keywords, you’ll now have keyword niche reports showing visits,
response, niche size, market share, opportunity (visits you might get in the
future) and ranking.
great stuff. And this is how many SEOs have done their keyword research for
years. But it takes a long, long time and is incredibly boring.
didn’t think gold digging was going to be easy, did you? No. But, we can make
the whole process much simpler by using Wordtracker Strategizer.
on to see how Strategizer automates the process I have outlined, building new
keyword niche reports daily with a collection of cool features to help you find
and target your most responsive keyword niches …
Automatic SEO with Wordtracker Strategizer
up a profile on Strategizer and it will automatically find and show your site’s
most profitable keyword niches, their visits, response figures and your site’s
market share of it.
information is shown with graphs and a range of other data including your
site’s rank on Google’s results pages and forecasts of seasonal trends from
On the following page is an
example report for a UK-based ecommerce site, which
sells adventure equipment:
the site’s top 1,000 keyword niches (above we see only 10), the report above
gives a wide range of useful data.
is a quick look at those metrics (followed by a how-to guide to using them to
find your site’s target keyword niches and planning SEO campaigns for those
Short term target keyword niches that should deliver the highest
response rates from immediate SEO efforts.
• Long term target keyword
niches that should deliver the most response from long term
investment in SEO.
A Google Insights graph to show seasonal trends for the same keyword
niches. As is the case for this ecommerce site, winter products should be sold
in the winter; summer in the summer. (Your target keyword niches’
seasonal trends might not be so obvious.)
The site’s Google Rank (your position on Google’ results pages) for the
seed keywords of each target keyword niche. In this case, we’re showing results
from the UK, but you could choose another country if you prefer). A graph shows
changes over time.
Competitors’ Google Ranks. Up to four competitors’ Google ranks can be
tracked alongside your own.
Niche Size (estimates of the number of searches made with keywords in each
niche). This is for the country and language targeted and the period of
time of the report (which can be seven days, four weeks or 12 months).
The site’s market share for each target keyword niche - allowing you to
see your site’s potential for more results from each keyword niche.
The opportunity offered by each target keyword niche – shown in the
Opportunity graph. This is the difference between Strategizer’s estimate of the
size of the niche and the number of visits your site gets.
Visits, Response Rates, Transactions, Revenue, Per Visit Value and Bounce
Rate for each target keyword niche.
works by importing keyword reports from your Google Analytics account and
converting them into these keyword niche reports. This is a huge
number-crunching task and no other tool I know of goes to the effort of doing
it. Strategizer will find you two types of target keyword niches. One for short
term SEO and PPC; the other for your long term targets.
Short term targets with the highest response rates
The report on the following page
(for again) shows short term target keyword niches found by
are the keyword niches that deliver the highest conversion rates.
can see fantastic Ecommerce Conversion Rates over 12% for suunto watch strap
replacement and suunto t6 strap.
means that more than one in 10 visitors who reached the site by searching with
those keywords went on to buy something on that visit. Very nice.
investing in your site’s SEO it should be easy to get more visits from these
keywords. More sales should follow.
a drawback with these highest responding keyword niches. They are usually small
keyword niches and we can see this in the Niche Size column showing estimates
of the number of searches made with them.
they offer the highest response rates they should be targeted first. But
because they are small niches, any more than a small amount of work will stop
delivering a profit.
Hence they are short term target
keyword niches. Bigger niches worth bigger investments over time are long
term target keyword niches …
Long term targets with the biggest potential
can quickly see your site’s long term target keyword niches if you … Click
the ‘New Targets’ button.Your long term target keyword niches:
Respond at a higher rate than your site’s average response rate (Strategizer
calculates this).
Are sorted by Niche Size with the largest (those with the most long term
potential) at the top.
Are worth long term investment because their size means they offer large
rewards, even if they might not have response rates as high as many of your
short term targets.
we’ll see how Wordtracker Strategizer can help you plan your SEO campaign’s
actions for each target keyword niche.
Intelligent Automatic SEO with Strategizer
of your target keywords needs a plan of action.
you click on Strategizer’s Actions tab, you’ll find recommended SEO actions for
each of your target keyword niches. It works like this …
Check a keyword niche. For
example, see the checked box to the left of suunto t6 strap below:
keyword niche in the report above – suunto t6 strap – is small which
makes the recommended actions quite simple.
keyword niches require more work and so get more recommendations.
Watch out for seasonal trends
already said this but it’s worth repeating: check for seasonal trends in the
use of target keyword niches with the Google Insights graphs available on all
Strategizer reports - just click the ‘Google Insights’ button.
If you’ve got comments or questions,
please let us know at
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